But there are instances where an insert or tray is less effective (or even ineffective) because of sleeve accommodations.
It seems that I should focus on optimizing for non-sleeved cards while making space (when possible) for sleevers.įor some inserts/boxes, adding a little cushion for sleeves isn’t a problem. I would, however, say that it shifts my priorities when considering insert design options. Compare that to 62.1% of people who hardly ever (or never) sleeve cards.ĭo these results actually change anything about the way we design inserts? I don’t think so. Even when those results are combined with the “most” category, it’s only 17.3% of gamers who regularly sleeve cards. That’s way lower than I’d previously assumed. That little blue sliver for “all” is 3.4%.
Granted, this is a small, niche sample size (hence the poll on today’s post), but it was still illuminating as to my perception vs reality. So I was shocked by the results of a recent poll I sent to Stonemaier Ambassadors. Based on how often I’m asked, “Will the insert fit sleeved cards?”, I was under the assumption that the majority of gamers sleeve all cards in their games.